Mai Bhago-A warrior saint.

Mughals and hill chiefs had surrounded Anandpur and were demanding it be evacuated. A group of 40 Sikhs, led by Mahan Singh Brar, asked Guru Gobind Singh Ji to give them permission to fight back with the Mughals surrounding Anandpur Sahib. However, Guru Gobind Singh Ji told them to not to fight back. angry with... Continue Reading →

Lalitaditya Muktapida

Sind was conquered by Muhammad bin Qasim in 715 AD. He was succeeded by Junad. After conquering Sindh, the Arab marauders set their eyes on the fertile lands of Punjab. Here they met the mightiest of all the kings of that time, a fierce warrior and a brilliant strategist, Lalitaditya Muktapida of Karkota Dynasty. Lalitaditya... Continue Reading →

Martand Varman

Van Imholf (Dutch governor): "I would rake Travancore down to the dust." Martand Verman: "If you dare to even think of that , I will raise a huge navy with the help of the fisher-folk and attack Europe with full force!" In AD 1741, an extraordinary event took place :The Battle of Colachel. In order... Continue Reading →

Onake Obavva

A tyrant called, Hyder Ali had been going buck wild with his army, conquering town after town. However, he failed to conquer the impregnable fort of Chitradurga. After multiple attacks, bribes, and meetings with informants, he found one weakness: a tiny hole in the wall (a kindi), that could fit one person at a time.... Continue Reading →

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