About Sri Samartha Ramadas

He saw the suffering of people caused by the invaders like Moghuls and Adilashaha’s and considered that people have to become united and fight the evil instead of accepting it as their destiny.
When people went to temple for a solution, he opined that Sri Rama, himself showed the path of the solution in fighting the evil and establishing dharma with the help of untrained warriors like Vanaras. He said it is not correct to make Sri Rama our servant. He asked them to unite and pray for courage, intelligence, sensitivity and action from Rama instead, asking Sri Rama to personally solve their problem.
Ramadas desired that everyone, especially those who took to the path of teaching the dharmik literature, should be; Spiritually absorbed, politically alert, and socially sensitive, otherwise they are not saints in reality.
He harmonized temple worship and serving God through Humanity. He opened more than 700 Hanumana temples all over India, but when Shivaji Maharaja was captured in Agra, he told all his Goswamis, to travel all across Maharashtra and beyond, to give courage, assurance and fighting spirit to the general mass. He felt instead of sitting in the temple in such an occasion and doing only the puja, it is their duty to keep the spirit of Hanumana in everyone’s heart, because if dharmik Raja is absent, then what will be the condition of temples and our culture? It will be destroyed by evil forces. Therefore he told Shivaji Maharaja with great feeling, ” There are only two persons who are my life and soul, one is my Raghunath(Sri Rama) and second is you( Shivaji).” Even though he was a great vairagi, who constantly travelled and kept less interaction with the world and people but he was alert and sensitive to the situation of Bharata.
In conclusion, he wanted people to become Samantha(can’t exactly translate in english, but can be explained as competent, qualified, able or self sufficient). Therefore, he was “samartha Ramadas,” not weak or “durbala Ramadasa.” Samartha contributes in the mission of Sri Rama in fighting the evil, and asamartha, or one who is depressed and weakened becomes burden to Sri Rama.
Therefore, he was known as Samartha Ramadas. He always chanted, “Jai Jai Raghuvira Samartha.”
Therefore it is highly recommended to read, ” Dasa dongari rahato, ” by Gopal dandekara, published by Mranamayi prakshana for all the Bharatiyas who are interested in promoting the culture and dharmik principles.
#History #IndianHistory #SwamiRamdas #Biography

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