Gruesome Killing of Sambhaji Maharaj

Sambhaji’s astonishing resistance to the suffering inflicted by Aurangzeb on him is commendable. Likes of Sambhaji Maharaj prove that mind is superior to the body. The Hindu Theory that mind is the separate entity from the body is proved right everytime great souls like Sambhaji Maharaj, Bhagat Singh and our brave soldiers at the border happily bid adieu to their physical forms.

Sambhaji was a braveheart just like his father Shivaji. He single-handedly fought with the massive army of Aurangzeb for 9 years. He and Maratha rulers after him kept Aurangzeb engaged in Maharashtra for 27 years, which finally resulted in the establishment of Hindu rule in North India.

Sambhaji Maharaj arranged for a noble initiative called ‘Reconversion Ceremony’, to help many converted Hindus to reconvert back into Hinduism.

Sambhaji Maharaj also fought with the Portuguese in Goa, as they were orchestrating the mass conversions of Hindus and had demolished Hindu Temples in Goa. The Portuguese were very frightened of being assaulted by Sambhaji Maharaj, and this reflects in their letter to the British in which they wrote:

Nowadays Sambhaji is the most powerful person and we have experienced it.

Capture and Execution

In early 1689, Aurangzeb’s commander, Mukarrab Khan ambushed Sambhaji at Sangmeshwer.

Aurangzeb humiliated them by parading them wearing clown’s clothes. Later, Sambhaji and Kavi Kalash were tied upside down to camels with Mughal soldiers throwing stones, mud, and cow dung at them.

When they were brought face to face with Aurangzeb, the latter offered to let Sambhaji live if he surrendered all the Maratha forts, turned over all his hidden treasures and disclosed the names of all the Mughal officers who had helped him. Sambhaji refused, and instead sang the praises of Mahadev (Lord Shiva). Aurangzeb ordered him and Kavi Kalash to be tortured to death. Sambhaji and Kavi Kalash were brutally tortured for over 40 days. The torture involved plucking out their eyes and tongue and pulling out their nails. The later part involved removing their skin.

After every torture, Aurangzeb would ask him if he had had enough and wanted to convert – but the courageous king kept refusing. By doing so he earned the title of Dharmaveer (Protector of Dharma) by which he is known to this day.

On March 11, 1689, Sambhaji was finally killed, reportedly by tearing him apart from the front and back with ‘Wagh Nakhe’ (‘Tiger claws’, a kind of weapon), and was beheaded with an axe. This grievous death was given to him at Vadhu on the banks of the Bhima river, near Pune.

Aurangzeb ordered for Sambhaji’s body to be cut into pieces and be thrown into the river. Residents of the nearby village named ‘Vadhu’ collected as many pieces of his body as they could find, sewed them together and performed the final rites on his body. These villagers later went on to use the surname ‘Shivle’ or ‘Shivale’, as per spelling preference, which means ‘sewing’ in the Marathi language.


There is some dispute amongst historians about Sambhaji’s ability as a ruler. These disputes came mainly from British & Mughal historians like Khafikhan & Grand Duff. These historians have portrayed him as ineffective and an alcoholic. Other historians, notably S.G. Shevde, portrayed Sambhaji as a capable ruler. However many historians like Babasaheb Purandare, Shivaji Savant have revealed the truth about him to society.





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